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10 Signs High Estrogen Is Causing Your Acne

Tired of acne that won’t quit? It could be estrogen causing the trouble. Find out how to tackle those breakouts and get your glow back!

  • Ebube Okereke
  • 21st July 2024

In a world where social media often showcases our insecurities , acne stands out as a common adversary.Social media showcases our insecurities by presenting idealized, edited images that create a culture of comparison. Constant exposure to others’ seemingly flawless appearances, such as perfect skin, highlights our own perceived flaws like acne, leading to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. For many, it’s a recurring frustration despite their best efforts in skincare. Could this persistent acne be more than just skin deep? Estrogen dominance is the major cause. It’s a condition that might be lurking behind those stubborn breakouts.


What is Estrogen?


Estrogen, often described as a key that unlocks doors within the body, plays a crucial role in regulating growth and reproductive functions. Primarily produced in the ovaries, it interacts with specific cell receptors to influence various aspects of female physiology, including menstrual cycles and bone health.



Why Does Estrogen Dominance Happen?


Estrogen dominance occurs when estrogen levels outweigh progesterone levels, disrupting the delicate hormonal balance. Several factors can contribute to this imbalance:


Hormonal Imbalance: Elevated estrogen relative to progesterone can occur naturally or due to external factors.


Chronic Stress: Increased cortisol levels from prolonged stress can interfere with hormone production and balance.


Liver Dysfunction: A compromised liver may fail to effectively metabolize and eliminate excess estrogen from the body.


Gut Dysbiosis: Imbalances in gut bacteria can impair estrogen metabolism, leading to its accumulation.


Poor Diet: Diets rich in refined sugars and processed foods can contribute to estrogen buildup in the body.



Identifying Estrogen Dominance: Signs and Symptoms




Recognizing estrogen dominance involves understanding its symptoms beyond acne. Symptoms may include:



Acne Flare-ups: Particularly around the jawline, chin, and mouth, often coinciding with menstrual cycles.


Menstrual Irregularities: Including heavy bleeding or irregular periods.


Sleep Issues: Difficulty falling or staying asleep.


Mood Swings: Increased anxiety, depression, or frequent mood fluctuations.


Physical Changes: Breast tenderness, swelling, and unexplained weight fluctuations.


Other Conditions: PCOS, fibroids, or endometriosis may be indicative of estrogen dominance.



Managing Estrogen Dominance: Dietary Approaches





Balancing hormones starts with a healthy diet. Incorporating these foods can aid in estrogen regulation and metabolism:



Kale: Supports estrogen detoxification and metabolism.


Greek Yogurt: Promotes gut health essential for proper estrogen processing.


Berries: Aid in eliminating excess estrogen from the body.


Nuts and Seeds: Such as almonds, walnuts, and flaxseeds, help support hormone production and balance.



Acne Treatments and Estrogen Dominance


While skincare treatments can alleviate symptoms, they may not address the underlying hormonal issues. In summary, our bodies are continuously producing estrogen in varying quantities depending on the time of the month; we should be ovulating every month in order to produce enough progesterone to balance estrogen; and if anything disrupts ovulation, or reduces our ability to metabolize and excrete estrogen, this can contribute to estrogen dominance symptoms says  Dr. Kathleen Mahannah, ND in health.

Some more effective solutions are:


  • Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic Acid: When used together, benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid provide a comprehensive approach to managing acne. Benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria and reduces oil, while salicylic acid exfoliates and clears pores. This combination helps to prevent new breakouts and treat existing ones effectively.





  • Facials and Chemical Peels: When combined, facials and chemical peels offer a powerful approach to acne management. Facials provide immediate deep cleansing and soothing benefits, while chemical peels enhance long-term skin renewal and clarity. This combination helps to maintain clear pores, reduce inflammation, and improve overall skin texture.





  • Antibiotic Pills: These medications help reduce acne by killing bacteria and decreasing inflammation. They are often used for more severe cases of acne that do not respond to topical treatments like skincare, targeting the bacteria that contribute to acne development from within the body.  Always consult a dermatologist for personalized advice and to determine the best treatment plan for your specific condition.



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