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Meet 5 Nigerian Women Redefining Possiblities Across Distinctive Tech Fields 

In Africa’s unfolding technology revolution, some voices often and inevitably ring louder than others, mostly due to cultural dynamics that have made access to funding and other resources relatively easier. But pay closer attention, and you’ll notice the steady motion of women building, innovating, and providing tech-enabled solutions to the continent’s needs as much as […]

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Interview: Fisayo Fosudo’s Commitment to Quality is Central to His Increasing Influence in Tech

If you’ve consistently sought video reviews before buying new gadgets or upgrading over the past seven years, odds are your search engine or social media algorithms have directed you to Fisayo Fosudo’s videos on multiple occasions. The relatable, often comparative, and high-quality creative visuals, delivered with no delay (or “FodaAdu,” as he calls it in […]

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How Danny Manu is Breaking Language Barriers With Cliks and Titans 

There are a few things more paradoxical than hearing someone speak without truly understanding them due to language barriers. While language has been humanity’s primary means of communication since time immemorial, its diversity often hinders real-time interactions despite technological efforts to bridge these gaps.   Various software and mobile apps have been dedicated to addressing […]

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Chinasa Okolo is Championing Inclusive AI Solutions for Marginalised Communities

Conversations around artificial intelligence are ever-present. If it’s not its positive features and resourcefulness, it’s the growing menace of issues like deepfakes and the need to implement legal structures to manage its criminal use. Despite these concerns, the advent of AI has undoubtedly made the world a better place, and for that, we owe much […]

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How Peace Itimi is Documenting Nigeria’s Tech Revolution

Over the past seven years, Peace Itimi has been at the forefront of the tech revolution in Nigeria, contributing to its growth through her multifaceted skillet: digital marketing, content creation, storytelling, and public speaking. Peace went from nursing an interest in medicine to studying medical biochemistry and eventually not practising after her graduation from Delta […]

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Spatial Labs is Iddris Sandu’s Digital Architectural Foothold For Bridging Culture & Tech

1997-born Iddris Sandu is one of the few African-born millennials who grew up with an iron-clad ambition of becoming a change catalyst through writing codes. Born in Accra, Ghana, Iddris’ time there was brief, as his family migrated to Compton, California when he was three years old. At just ten years old, he embarked on […]

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Tech for Tradition: Here’s How Onwuzulike’s IgboSpeech is Bridging Longstanding Gap 

In a time when technological advancements heavily drive global language adoption and preservation, Africa’s rich and diverse linguistic heritage has often been sidelined. While we’ve been seeing a surge in AI-powered language tools worldwide, not much thought has been paid to African languages until now when a beacon of hope has emerged through IgboSpeech, an […]

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