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Editorials, Sports

Condoms at the Olympics: The Myth of Sex and Athletic Performance

Ever since the Olympic Games commenced about 776 B.C., tales of athletes secretly having sex at the event have become common knowledge.

  • Toyosi Afolayan
  • 5th August 2024

The Olympic Village has long been the subject of speculation, with tales of rampant sexual activity swirling around the quadrennial gathering of the world’s elite athletes.


The recent decision to distribute a staggering number of condoms to athletes, staff, and press at the Paris 2024 Games has only served to fuel the flames of this narrative.  But does sex really impact athletic performance?


The notion that sexual activity can hinder athletic performance is a persistent one, with many coaches and athletes subscribing to the belief that abstinence is key to optimal performance. The idea is rooted in the assumption that sex drains the body of energy and vital fluids, leaving athletes depleted and unable to compete at their peak.


FRA, Paris, Olympischen Spiele Paris 2024, 25.07.2024, Fussball, Frauen, Deutschland vs Australien, in Marseille, im Stade Velodrome, Stadion Innenansicht, Innenraum, LED Board mit Logo – Symbolfoto, *** FRA, Paris, Olympic Games Paris 2024, 25 07 2024, Football, Women, Germany vs. Australia, in Marseille, in the Stade Velodrome, stadium interior view, interior, LED board with logo symbol photo, Copyright: HMBxMedia/StephaniexWunderl


However, scientific evidence increasingly challenges this long-held assumption. A growing body of research suggests that there is little to no correlation between sexual activity and athletic performance. Studies have shown that sex does not significantly impact factors such as strength, endurance, or reaction time.  


Sex and Athletic Performance: Fact or Fiction?


One of the most comprehensive studies on the subject was published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2019. Researchers analyzed data from multiple studies and concluded that “sex had no statistically significant effect on athletic performance.” This finding was corroborated by a 2022 meta-analysis that also found no link between sexual activity and physical fitness parameters.  


While these studies provide compelling evidence, it’s important to note that the research is still limited. More studies are needed to fully understand the complex interplay between sex, physiology, and athletic performance.


It’s also worth considering the psychological factors at play. Some athletes may believe that abstaining from sex will enhance their focus and determination. This placebo effect could potentially impact performance, even if there is no physiological basis for it. On the other hand, for some athletes, sex may serve as a stress reliever or a way to build intimacy with a partner, which could positively impact their mental state and overall well-being.



While the science may be inconclusive, the consensus among experts is that the impact of sex on athletic performance is likely minimal. The focus for athletes should be on maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle, including adequate sleep, nutrition, and mental preparation.


Condom Distribution


The distribution of condoms at the Olympic Village is a positive step in promoting safe sex and sexual health among athletes. It’s important to remember that the Olympics is not just about athletic competition; it’s also a celebration of human diversity and connection.



While the media often focuses on the more sensational aspects of the Olympic Village, it’s essential to recognize that athletes are also human beings with complex emotional and physical needs.


Ultimately, whether or not an athlete chooses to engage in sexual activity is a personal decision. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, and what works for one athlete may not work for another. The most important thing is for athletes to prioritize their physical and mental well-being and to make choices that support their overall performance goals.

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