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US, UK, and EU Sign First Legally Binding AI Treaty. Here’s What it Means for Africa

Africa is sidelined in this major global development, with little to no measures being developed or discussed at this level.

  • Johnson Opeisa
  • 7th September 2024

The need for regulating artificial intelligence has been a major technological concern recently until now when the United States, United Kingdom, European Union, and seven other countries have taken a significant step by signing the first legally binding AI safety treaty established by the Council of Europe (COE)—an international standards and human rights organisation.


The treaty, called the Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence, aims to ensure that AI-powered innovations uphold the rule of law, protect human rights (including privacy and the prevention of discrimination), and safeguard democracy. Additionally, it provides a legal framework that promotes innovation, manages potential risks, and covers the entire lifecycle of AI systems.


We must ensure that the rise of AI upholds our standards, rather than undermining them,said Marija Pejčinović Burić, COE Secretary General. “The Framework Convention is designed to ensure just that. It is a strong and balanced text—the result of the open and inclusive approach by which it was drafted, ensuring that it benefits from multiple expert perspectives.”


The landmark treaty was signed in Vilnius, Lithuania, on Thursday, September 5, with other signatories including Andorra, Georgia, Iceland, Norway, the Republic of Moldova, San Marino, and Israel.


According to the COE, other countries are welcome to join, provided they comply with its provisions. However, this invitation does not directly address Africa, which is sidelined in this major global development, with little to no measures being developed or discussed at this level.


Every day, AI-linked crimes are perpetrated globally. This treaty serves as a wake-up call for African governments and tech stakeholders to act swiftly and establish AI regulatory frameworks to shield the continent from the negative effects of unregulated AI systems, while also establishing Africa as a strong force in shaping the legal and ethical standards that govern AI technologies.

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